The Northern Highlands is a small area with a high spawn rate for goblins. In order to minimize the amount of time it takes to obtain the new pets and the cosmic wings, you will want to farm some specific areas that are known to have a high spawn rate for goblins. Note that it is Whimsydale, and not Whimsyshire.įor me, personally, it took roughly 17 hours of goblin farming to obtain. The most difficult of the new cosmetics to farm is the Cosmic Wings. This is one of the easiest of the new cosmetics to find. The above image shows some of the spawn locations for the chest. You must look for a Mysterious Chest, which will drop the wings when opened. They will drop a random pet out of the 19 possible and will not drop duplicates. For 19 out of the 20 new pets, you need to look for a new type of goblin, the Menagerist Goblin. There are a total of 20 new pets and 2 new wings that are farmable. The most fun and interesting ones, in my opinion, are the pets and the wings. It may be the right time for you to take a break from farming rifts and go after some of those cool new cosmetics. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.Now that Season 6 has been under way for some time, many of you may be hitting those mid-season blues.

These are a lot easier to farm, so check them out. If you want another set of wings, or find these to unreliable to farm, patch 2. For a guide on how to farm the Rainbow Goblins as fast as possible, check out this guide. Only portals opened by the Rainbow Goblin has a chance to spawn Princess Lilian.

Also note that Whimsy dale and Whimsy shire are two completely different instances, and you can not get Princess Lillian to spawn in the Whimsyshire instance.

After an instance of Whimsydale has been cleared, a new Rainbow Goblin will not open a new portal, so make sure to reset your game if you want to farm the goblins for portals.

She has a very low spawn chance, so you will probably need to open a lot of rainbow portals before you find her and get your Cosmic Wings. Upon death, these will spawn a portal to Whimsydaleand in this instance Princess Lilian can spawn. They are somewhat rare, so expect to find a lot of goblins before you find a Rainbow Goblin. These can spawn in any place in adventure mode, except in rifts and in the vault. In order to find Whimsydaleyou first need to kill a Rainbow Goblin. The wings were added to the game in patch 2. The Cosmic Wings is a newly added vanity item that can be obtained from Princess Lilian in Whimsydale.